IBC 2020 will be held virtually with an IBC Week virtual event after confirming that the physical show has been cancelled due to fears surrounding the impact of Covid-19 and social distancing measures.
In a statement, IBC said: “The IBC team has been focused on assessing and developing appropriate plans for IBC2020 this September at the RAI Amsterdam.
Within these plans it is crucial that IBC can deliver a safe and successful environment. However, as governments announce the route forward, it has become clear that a return to (a new) normal is unlikely to be achieved by September.
“It is also evident that important aspects of a large-scale event such as IBC will be greatly altered by social distancing, travel restrictions, masks etc. so much so that the spirit of IBC will be compromised.”
To maintain engagement with its audience, IBC plans to launch its virtual ‘IBC Week’ event, with more details to be announced in the coming weeks.