Hippotizer Boreal+ harmonises wraparound Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra visuals

Hippotizer Boreal+ harmonises wraparound Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra visuals
Sweden’s Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra performed a ‘musical adventure’ at the Göteborgs Konserthus, enveloped in video projections driven by Hippotizer media servers.

The 90-minute orchestral performance, entitled The Crescendoing City, immersed the audience ina ‘visual flow’designed to perfectly complement the piece. Stockholm-based Pixelfield Studios (PXLFLD) was commissioned by the Gothenburg Symphonic Orchestra to design a visual concert experience based on ‘The City’ as an overarching concept.

The PXLFLDteam responded to the brief by considering what defines a city, taking inarchitecture, communications, culture and,most importantly, people. Over two nights of performances, audiences were treated to sweeping cityscapes, eerie urban scenes and flashes of abstract colour and patterns.

All of the visual content was produced by PXLFLD Studios artists Andreas Skärberg and Per Rydnert,alongside Granström. This was projected across the stage, enveloping the rear, left and right walls in a seamless blended visual. The visuals were beamed into the space using five Barco HDX-4K20 projectors, which were placed outside on rolling podiums by the section entrances to the concert hall, and one Barco UDX-4K40 projector positioned in a custom isolation box inside the hall itself. The architecture of Göteborgs Konserthus is clean, open and offers a seamless ceiling, lending itself to beautiful, wraparound projected visuals.






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