Hearing loop tech explored at Berlin conference

Hearing loop tech explored at Berlin conference
Non-profit organisation Deutscher Schwerhörigenbund eV (DSB) will stage an international conference to explore hearing loops and related technologies in Berlin.

"Future Loops, the 4th International Accessibility Conference on Hearing Loops and Hearing Technology”, will take place October 6 to 8, 2017 and will target developers, planners and suppliers to explore recent technologies and future ideas.

Participants will be offered technical and practical information to improve the hearing accessibility in everyday environments. 

DSB hopes the conference will offer a forum where experiences on the latest hearing system technology can be shared to prompt open discussion on possible alternatives.

The event will take place at the Conference Center Steglitz International and will be held in English and German with simultaneous interpretation. It is staged with the International Federation of Hard of Hearing People (IFHOH).

InAVate recently explored induction loop technology and asked why global uptake was inconsistent and in some cases slow. You can find out more in the article: Induction loops lacking a global audience.

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