Healthcare VR project creates empathy for terminally ill patients

Healthcare VR project creates empathy for terminally ill patients
VR studio Embodied Labs has created Clay, a virtual reality project that gives users an insight into the experience of being diagnosed with a terminal disease. It can inform the patient (and their relatives) of the options available (with a focus on hospice care), how the healthcare team works together in end of life care, and what the last days, hours and minutes of a person's life might be like.

In a note published on the Embodied Labs website from the creators it said; "We took great care in researching this lab as we worked with professional and family caregivers like you. This important lab on such a sensitive topic was created for caregivers, by caregivers. It is our hope that this experience will help the professional and family care partners who care for people at the end of their life to become more comfortable and confident in their role, and to help start difficult conversations about being at the end of life."

VR Embodied Labs Clay 2

The Clay Lab takes learners on a journey through End of Life Conversations as Clay, a 66-year-old veteran diagnosed with a terminal illness. This experience helps learners explore the conversations and issues around those key moments when a person with a terminal prognosis changes from a curative path to a palliative care path.

During the lab users can see the physical changes inside the body as it nears the end of life, and experience what may happen at the end of a life.

VR Embodied Labs Clay 3

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