Google slims down and simplifies Project Starline

Google slims down and simplifies Project Starline
First launched in 2021, Google has unveiled its newest prototype of Project Starline, which has a simpler, slimmed-down design to fit more spaces.

The system uses advanced AI to build a photorealistic model of the person on the other side of the screen, and projects that onto a light field display to give a sense of volume and depth.

The first Project Starline prototypes took up an entire room, requiring infrared light emitters and special cameras to create a live 3D model of the person you were talking to. 

For its latest prototype, Google has developed new AI techniques that only require a few standard cameras to produce higher quality, lifelike 3D images. This latest prototype now resembles a more traditional video conferencing system — going from the size of a restaurant booth to a flat-screen TV — that’s more deployable and accessible.

These new prototypes are currently being used by Salesforce, T-Mobile and WeWork. 

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