Extron control and sound system powers VinUniversity studies

Extron control and sound system powers VinUniversity studies
A comprehensive Extron control and sound system has brought switching, streaming and sound capabilities to the VinUniversity in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Rooms at the university incorporate AV signal switching and streaming capabilities to support its new training methods, with user-friendly control and intelligible sound throughout the building. 

Integrator Hoang Minh Investment Technology was brought on board to install the Extron system, delivering a system that is easy for university staff to operate with no compromise on functionality. 

The university features a number of cutting-edge labs as well as support rooms and meeting spaces, with two of the larger labs featuring a number of displays and an independent Extron AV matrix switching and distribution system. 

To meet the needs of each room, either a Extron’s XTP II CrossPoint 1600 modular matrix switcher was used or a DXP HD 4K PLUS 16X8 matrix switcher with extension over DTP, depending on requirements. 

ShareLink Pro 500 collaboration gateways enable wireless connectivity for instructors and staff from anywhere within the laps, with a DMP 128 Plus audio processor used for each sound system. 

The processor supports mixing of live instruction and workstation microphones with the program audio, enabling clear audio for streamed and archived recordings. 

SME 211 encoders are also used to stream content, including files of differing resolutions and bit rates. The encoders also provide independent stream control for improved system flexibility. 

Nguyen Truong Giang, vice director, Hoang Minh Investment Technology, commented: “We did our utmost to give VinUniversity the best solution in terms of features and cost. 

“Working closely with the administration, the professors, and the staff, we were able create AV systems with Extron products that are both fully functional and comfortable for the university users to operate.”

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