European Commission chooses Avex to provide AV for EU-summits and events

European Commission chooses Avex to provide AV for EU-summits and events
For the next 4 years Avex will be one of the two exclusive suppliers to the European Commission. Together with its French GPA-partner Videlio, AVEX will be the AV provider of event facilities for EU-summits and events.

This interinstitutional agreement is for all online – hybrid and live events which will be organised by the European Commission and all its affiliated organisations throughout Europe.

AVEX will not only be supplying all the essential conferencing technology (such as audio support, interpreters equipment and discussion and conference systems) but will also be supporting the online and hybrid events and conferences.

Avex will also be integrating AR  and VR and introducing new ways of communication during online live events.

The AVEX team will be operating from the Brussel office; working closely together with partner Videlio.

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