Daktronics supplies 147 sq m of immersive LED displays for Riyadh e-sports zone

Daktronics supplies 147 sq m of immersive LED displays for Riyadh e-sports zone
Ten Daktronics 1.9mm LED displays covering a 147 sq m were installed in the E-Games’ VOV The Zone in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Daktronics partnered with Electronic Gaming Infrastructure Company, in conjunction with Sami Trading, to manufacture and install the direct-view, high-resolution displays and create an immersive environment for Esports participants and others looking to game at the location.

The main videowall includes two concave corners as it wraps around the interior of the room at 1.03m high by 18.3m long. Three more displays mounted to the walls measure 4.12m high by 7.32m wide to deliver additional content and information. Covering the six support pillars in the room are four-sided LED displays measuring 2.06m high and wrapping 3.05m around each pillar.

These displays can work together to create an immersive gaming environment with coordinated content surrounding gamers as they play. The versatility of these digital displays, along with the custom control system provided by Daktronics, allows them to also work independently to show specific content in the area including results, announcements, sponsor content or other pertinent information as needed by The Zone.

Ahmad Dahmash, regional director of Daktronics for the Middle East, said: “The displays bring this place to life with high-intensity content related to gaming and esports, especially the brand of VOV.

“We’re proud to work with such a great team and local partner in Samir Trading to make this project a reality that impacts people immediately when they walk into The Zone.”

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