Birmingham Royal Ballet launches VR programme to improve accessibility

Birmingham Royal Ballet launches VR programme to improve accessibility
The Birmingham Royal Ballet (BRB) has announced the launch of its virtual stage, a tech-focused project designed to bring immersive technologies into ballet.

The BRB has received funding from Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Digital Accelerator Programme, allowing the institution to invest in equipment and staff training to allow its team to explore immersive technologies with its partners Canon and RiVR.

The virtual stage project aims to explore ways in which AR, VR, 3D mapping and motion capture can be used to enhance the BRB’s productions and experiences.

Initially, the BRB will share AR versions of props and costumes from The Nutcracker, forming part of a larger event later in 2023. The BRB will also explore other avenues to bring technology both into the ballet’s marketing and productions.

Carlos Acosta, artistic director, Birmingham Royal Ballet, commented: ““I am absolutely thrilled that we have launched Birmingham Royal Ballet’s Virtual Stage, becoming one of the first ballet companies in the world to embrace immersive technology and unlock the potential it holds. I am particularly excited about the possibilities this work has for reaching younger and new audiences across the globe, bringing them up close to classical ballet in a way that, until recently, has not been possible.

“Virtual Stage is another example of BRB’s commitment to pushing boundaries and keeping ballet fresh and relevant for future generations.”

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