The ‘Pixel Peloton’ charity bike ride saw 38 members of the AV industry complete a 60km or 100km route around Kent, UK. The event raised £2,500 for the Bromley Mencap charity.
The event was organised by AV Consultant Don Sperring, with assistance by Barco’s Ross Burling on the second day of course marking.
The ride began at Beckenham Cricket club in Kent, with individuals travelling from around the UK as far afield as Belgium to participate.
The companies participating were: Daktronics, Barco, NEC Displays, Samsung, Peerless, Vivid Digital Retail, and Future Source, joined by several individual riders.
A total of £2,500 was raised between donations, the rider’s participation fee and a raffle that Bromley Mencap organised on the day.
If you are interesting in taking part in next year’s Pixel Peloton, please contact Don Sperring.