Apple's Tim Cook says AR and VR can enhance people’s connection

In an interview with GQ Magazine, Apple CEO Tim Cook has reiterated his and the company's support for augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technology. Apple has long been rumoured to be producing its own Mixed Reality headset, but nothing has ever been confirmed.

“If you think about the technology itself with augmented reality, just to take one side of the AR/VR piece, the idea that you could overlay the physical world with things from the digital world could greatly enhance people’s communication, people’s connection,” Cook told GQ Magazine in a profile just published by the title.

“It could empower people to achieve things they couldn’t achieve before. We might be able to collaborate on something much easier if we were sitting here brainstorming about it and all of a sudden we could pull up something digitally and both see it and begin to collaborate on it and create with it. And so it’s the idea that there is this environment that may be even better than just the real world—to overlay the virtual world on top of it might be an even better world. And so this is exciting. If it could accelerate creativity, if it could just help you do things that you do all day long and you didn’t really think about doing them in a different way.”

Cook told GQ that the delay in releasing a MR headset has been because Apple wants to 'control the primary technology to ensure innovation'.



Photo credit: Blablo101, 

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