Anticipated explosion in 3D TV shipments

Anticipated explosion in 3D TV shipments
With display prices dropping, manufacturers are likely to push 3D TVs as they look to value-adding features, according to DisplaySearch.

The research body claimed 3D-ready TV shipments will grow form 0.2 million units in 2009 to 64 million units in 2018.

“We have passed the first hurdle,” said Paul Gray, DisplaySearch director of TV Electronics Research. “The critical Blu-ray 3D specification is written, but now comes the hard work of securing interoperability. Consumers will want reassurance that such things as 3D glasses will interoperate between brands. Retailers will also have the same demand to allow a thriving accessory market to develop. The next stage is less glamorous but vital to secure 3D’s long-term value. We have seen 3D crazes before, and sustained attention to detail is important to prevent disillusionment from starting.”

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