5G record broken with 8 Gbps speed

5G record broken with 8 Gbps speed
Nokia, Elisa and Qualcomm teamed up to achieve a 5G speed record in Finland, hitting 8 Gbps on a commercial 5G network on the mmWave spectrum.

The record speed marks the first time that 8 Gbps has been delivered on a commercial network, serving two 5G mmWave devices which were connected simultaneously. The base station used two Nokia AirScale radios.

Each radio used 800 MHz of commercial millimetre wave 5G spectrum at 26 GHz providing connectivity for the 5G smartphone form factor test devices which were powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon X55 5G modem-RF system with second generation Qualcomm QTM525 mmWave antenna modules. Each device reached four Gbps peak speeds from the base station. 

The news of the rollout comes as a report from Ericsson highlights the readiness of European countries for 5G, citing European 5G Observatory figures which shows Germany, Finland and Hungary topping the tables with more than 60% readiness for the new technology. Other countries, including the UK, Sweden and Romania find themselves lagging behind other leading European countries with less than 25% readiness. 
Photo source: Communications Committee (COCOM) based on iDate.

The breakthrough was showcased at Elisa’s flagship store in Helsinki, Finland, with the record speed set to be used to support a range of high-bandwidth, low-latency services including high speed video downloads as well as virtual reality and augmented reality applications. 

Rollout of the service is expected to take place in 2021. 

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