5G coverage to reach one billion people by end of 2020

5G coverage to reach one billion people by end of 2020
Mobile service provider, Ericsson, has reported that more than one billion people will have access to 5G coverage by the end of 2020, citing the increasing pace of 5G functionality being rolled out around the globe for both network and device domains.

More than 220 million global 5G subscriptions are forecast to be active by the end of 2020, with China accounting for almost 80% [175 million subscriptions] worldwide. 

Ericsson published its forecasts in its November 2020 Ericsson mobility report, estimating that 15% of the world’s population will have access to 5G technology with that number set to jump to 60% of the world’s population by 2026, with up to 3.5 billion 5G subscriptions. 

Europe is predicted to account for approximately one percent of 5G subscriptions in the region by the end of 2020, with some countries delaying auctions of the radio spectrum needed to support 5G deployment throughout 2020. 

Fredrik Jejdling, executive vice president and head of networks, Ericsson, commented: “This year has seen society take a big leap towards digitalisation. The pandemic has highlighted the impact connectivity has on our lives and has acted as a catalyst for rapid change, which is also clearly visible in this latest edition of the Ericsson Mobility Report.

“5G is entering the next phase, when new devices and applications make the most out of the benefits it provides, while service providers continue to build out 5G. Mobile networks are a critical infrastructure for many aspects of everyday life and 5G will be key to future economic prosperity.”

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