The ability to remotely manage AV devices regardless of your location is a huge bonus for end users and the AV industry. Paul Milligan finds out that despite the thorny issue of a lack of standards the opportunity for integrators is still a big one.
Dealing with mundane issues such as changing projector lamps is not something that any integrator would ever put at the top of their 'reasons why I do this job' list.
Yet this joyless task will take up a portion of every week in the life of an AV engineer. So imagine if there was a way you could monitor how long a projector lamp was being used every day, and by knowing how long its lamp-life was, that when it got to 95% of its life it would automatically order you a replacement to your desk, so downtime was zero. Sounds pretty sweet, eh?
Well that’s what remote management can do, and a lot else besides.
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