PSNI announces strategic alliance partner program

The PSNI Global Alliance has launched its strategic alliance partner (SAP) program, designed to allow the PSNI’s network of certified solution providers to pair with strategic digital organisations.

PSNI has selected ACP CreativIT, an IT solutions organisation and Astreya, a digital transformation company, as its first two companies to join the alliance program, with a limited number of additional SAPs to be added to the alliance in the future.

The program aims to improve PSNI’s ability to bring in expertise to specialised areas of complex technology projects. Chris Miller, executive director, PSNI, explained: “We recognise that today’s end-users are best served by having access to a diverse and complementary broad set of expertise that is driven by technology and combined with creative solutions. Our CSPs bring a high level of personal touch to end-users that combined will deliver an enjoyable experience and exceptional value to end-users around the globe.

“By uniting our areas of expertise in this way, we are confident that our SAP program brings the ultimate combined service offering to global projects and worldwide connectivity. We are delighted to welcome ACP CreativIT and Astreya as our initial Strategic Alliance Partners, with more announcements to come.”

Pictured: Chris Miller, executive director, PSNI

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