2019 AVIXA Standard award winner Jonathan Tulip believes AVIXA Standards are changing global integration for the better. He talks to Reece Webb to explain the importance of pushing industry-wide standards.
Jonathan Tulip, principal consultant for Venav was awarded the 2019 AVIXA Standards Award in recognition of his application of AVIXA standards to improve outcomes on a number of high-profile projects.
He believes that standards “provide a technical framework and set technical requirements, but the reach and power of standards is much broader and can have a more significant effect on the AV industry.
“There is perhaps a misunderstanding that AV standards contain technical mumbo jumbo or dry, esoteric material. Standards are a beacon of certainty in the uncertain territory of AV, containing solid peer reviewed dependable knowledge,” he said.
AVIXA standards are technical with regards to content and range across all areas of the industry. For example, AVIXA cable labelling standards for AV systems require easy identification of all power and signal paths in a completed system to aid in operation, support, maintenance, and troubleshooting.
AVIXA standards can be used as a multipurpose tool to benefit end users, systems integrators, contract managers, designers and consultants.
A standard can bring a “significant amount of professionalism”, as Tulip explained: “Imagine a situation where the AV designer must convince the architects or interior designers to alter the ceiling height to accommodate a suitably sized projection screen, change the orientation of a space to provide usable sightlines or reduce the noise produced by the air conditioning.
“The support of a standard able to address these situations is invaluable in obtaining a good outcome for the AV systems and ultimately ensuring a good user experience.”
For an end user, standards can be a useful way of providing a clear definition of a project’s outcome, verification of progress and project completion.
Tulip stressed that it is important for standards not to be considered a “high aiming mark,” but should instead be seen as a minimum requirement.
He added: “Standards bring authoritative support for design requirements which are often tough conversations when project time scales and other competing interests seek to undermine the audio visual systems.”
Over in Qatar where Tulip is based, he has helped to promoted standards by helping to establish the Association of Audio Visual Professionals in the region, meeting monthly in a social environment for education and training.
In this environment, professionals can discuss the use of standards as they apply directly to individual projects and support companies wishing to implement AV standards as a part of their company processes.
He said: “Whilst education and training are very popular and important in Qatar, the projects I work on with Venav utilise the AVIXA Standards as both project requirements and as design guidelines.
“Over the past few years we have seen a marked increase in the use of standards and in APEx certification which is an indicator of standards usage. This has been driven by employers’ requirements and project specifications requiring better quality project outcomes”
AVIXA continues to be active in the region, in both one-to-one meetings with companies and networking events with the AV community.
Standards are still considered a niche subject in some areas, with many people aware of the existence of AVIXA standards, but unsure of how to apply them in day-to-day work.
Tulip has the final word: “We need to look for ways to break down the barriers that prevent standards adoption. AV standards are a win for all, so it’s a case of explaining how these benefits can be realised and making the AV standards accessible outside of the inner circle or the standards experts.