The Ambler Theartre’s 2011 Oscar Party in Pennsylvania used Sanyo projectors to show the prestigious event to 450 attendees. Preshow events at the theatre entrance were projected from a Sanyo PLC-XP46, telecast from a Samsung tuner and switched through a Kramer VP-728 seamless presentation switcher.
The projector also showed a custom pre-party PowerPoint loop with video clips. Everything was run at 1280x720 resolution, and the SANYO PLC-XP46 provided a 'center cut' 16x9 widescreen image, projected from 22' to a Stewart Filmscreen StudioTek 100 screen mounted seven feet above the floor.
Pete Putman, attendee and editor of and Pro AV magazine, said: "The lobby projection system attracted viewers even after the main telecast had started and the images from the main theaters were impressive."
Inside one of three dedicated theaters, the 2011 Oscars were brought to the audience by Sanyo's PLC-WF10 and PLC-WF20 projectors.