Pepper's ghost deployed for medical teaching

The HAMLET group is dedicated to advancing medical teaching with AV and visualisation technologies. It recently drafted in Paradigm AV to deliver a Pepper’s Ghost solution for visualising human anatomy.

The London based HAMLET Group is harnessing sophisticated visualisation and AV technologies in an effort to further understanding of human anatomy and teaching of medicine and surgery.

Five doctors are involved in the group, which is named HAMLET to stand for Holography Assisted Medical Learning and E-Teaching. As part of their efforts to achieve their goal to enhance learning experiences, the group’s founders – Dr Kapil Sugand who works at Imperial College London and Dr Pedro Campos from St George’s Hospital - turned to Paradigm AV to deliver a Pepper’s Ghost presentation.

Pepper’s Ghost is an illusion technique that dates back to the 16th century and was popularised by John Henry Pepper in Victorian era London. Pepper lent his name to the technique that has been developed and refined to deliver life-like illusions for stage shows and visitor attractions around the world.

To find out more about the system deployed by Paradigm AV and how it is being used by HAMLET, read the full story in InAVate magazine. You can view the HTML5 version here.

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