Panoramic display for the future

At the centre of the Fraunhofer HHI TiME Lab will be an immersive and panoramic display, powered by seven F32 DLP projections from projectiondesign. The company has created a high resolution display measuring 3.35m x 12m at the immersive media experience lab.

The audiovisual system uses the seven F32 projectors for the reproduction of panoramic video images with a special resolution of about 7,000 pixels and luminosity of around 28,000 lumens. The HD images are projected using an optical mirror system as vertical slices onto a curved 180° screen. Dedicated warping and blending hardware allows seamless transitions between these HD slices to enable the video to appear as a single panorama of brilliant image quality. The system is backed up by a real-time Wave Field Synthesis (WFS) surround sound system.

“The aim of this installation is to allow digital film experts and famous film directors such as Tom Tykwer, to dive into and discover the fascination of digital cinema projection and video systems, evolving scripts and global economic challenges. At the event visitors will be treated to a true multi-media environment that offers full acoustic and visual experience of live event broadcasting and a range of novel film formats. Our projection system is designed for the future and the fantastic image quality of the projectiondeisgn projectors has made the display the centrepiece of the HHI TiME Lab,” says Christian Wessig from the Image Processing Department at the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute in Berlin, Germany.

The exclusive launch is in cooperation with Berlinale Talent Campus, Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen "Konrad Wolf" (HFF), McKinsey & Company and Berliner Philharmoniker, Berlin School of Creative Leadership.

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