Nick & Simon, Jan Smit and The Three J’s - pop acts from the Netherlands - united to form the â€VoTown Allstars†with the aim of raising money for first division club, FC Volendam. The benefit concert, held in the Volendams Kras Stadium, attracted a crowd of 12,000.
Sound reinforcement for the football/pop event was provided by the Dutch firm Triple Showtechniek using an Electro-Voice X-Line system. Twenty-eight X-Line Xvls and 12 Xvlt array elements - driven by 40 EV TG7 amps - provided coverage throughout the stadium. Two new NetMax N8000-1500 controllers with FIR-Drive supplied the requisite processing power.
It was a system that had already been used indoors at concerts by both Nick & Simon and Jan Smit, so the engineers from Triple Showtechniek were familiar with the equipment.
Marc Pardon, who handled FOH for Triple Showtechniek, said: "Even though we had very little time for the sound check, the sound was still crystal-clear – even in the most distant rows."