DigitalMedia and Apple TV combined to create presentations in Beirut

Strong Corp was responsible for the delivery of audiovisual design and installation at the Solidere Information Centre in Beirut, Lebannon. Crestron’s DigitalMedia and AppleTV devices have been used to great effect in creating flexible meeting and presentations spaces to showcase the phoenix-like redevelopment of a once war torn city.

After 15 years of civil war, which ended in 1990, the centre of the Lebanese capital Beirut lay in ruins. The reconstruction of the no mans land that existed between the opposing forces was entrusted to Solidere, a public company whose shares were distributed between existing land owners and traded also on the open market. The company has spent that last 20 years engaged in the task of regenerating the city centre as a modern hub for business, tourism and city living.

In order to facilitate the task of informing the public and potential investors of the work, Solidere commissioned a new information centre to created in its offices in the central district of the city.

The contract for delivering this was awarded to Strong Corp, under the leadership of Abdul-Kader Charamand, director of the engineering division. His design incorporated extensive use of Crestron’s DigitalMedia infrastructure to provide video and audio distribution as well as system management and control. The centre features a reception area, the model room, which includes a scale model of the development area and a large video wall, a boardroom with video conferencing facilities, and an auditorium and briefing room.

Read on to find out how Apple TV is being used for audio and presentation sharing, and how Charamand approached video walls without the use of a conventional multi-head controller.

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