ADIF invests in network control

ADIF (Administrator de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias) is a Spanish, private-public body, which operates the railway and station network. As part of the run-up to privatisation of the network, a new operations room has been established.

ADIF was spun out of the Spanish national rail organisation RENFE and is now responsible for management of the rail network and infrastructure. In October 2008 a new control room was built at Delicias Station, with the main task of monitoring high speed rail links between Madrid and France.

The central element of the control room is a large screen display system from Eyevis, which consists of 42 EC-67-HD-DL cubes in a 14x3 configuration. The full HD resolution of each cube on a 67” display means that a massive total resolution of 26880 x 3240 is achieved.

The massive wall is controlled by a pair of Eyevis’s Netpix 3844XE-HD-V16-D4-X6E controllers with HD outputs. These are running the premium edition of eyecon.

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