SurgeX releases SU-1000Li surge eliminator

SurgeX has released its UPS surge eliminator, the SU-1000Li, backed with SurgeX Advanced Series Mode surge elimination technology.

The product includes common mode and normal mode Impedance Tolerant EMI/RFI filtering, and provides a web browser-based interface to manage power settings, customise diagnostics, monitor multiple computers and schedule shutdowns and restarts. Automatic voltage regulation provides a stable AC source during less than optimal power conditions without the constant use of internal batteries. The 2U rack mount provides fail safe protection from surges, spikes, blackouts and brownouts.

SentryPlus power management and diagnostic software allows installers to plan a schedule to shutdown, restart and test UPS and control receptacles, as well as customise programmable actions. With SentryPlus, users can set up notifications of user-defined events via pager, email, audible alarm, network broadcast and SNMP trap, as well as access remote monitoring, control and configuration through a TCP/IP network.

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