ElectricMaster projection screens from Comm-Tec now have a remote control system as a standard feature. The UK based distributor says this allows users to control descent and raising of the screen from a boardroom seat or armchair.
The screen can also be connected, via infrared, to an integrated control system. A wired IR receiver is included for installations where the screen housing is positioned out of the line of sight of the IR remote.
A ‘click-mounting’ system allows the brackets, on which the screen is hung, to be positioned anywhere along the length of the cassette. The screen can be re-positioned, side-to-side, after the projector has been mounted.
Comm-Tec says ElectricMaster screens are equipped with a quiet synchromotor and adjustable limit switches for presetting the descent of the screen, both upper and lower end. Screens are available in square, video and HDTV widescreen formats.