Diodes face competition from transistors

Diodes face competition from transistors
Researchers at the Institute of Nanostructured Materials in Bologna, Italy are working on a possible alternative to OLEDs for high resolution display applications. OLETs (organic light emitting transistors), are said to be considerably more efficient than the already highly efficient OLED technologies in use today.

“OLET is a new light-emission concept, providing planar light sources that can be easily integrated in substrates of different types – silicon, glass, plastic, paper and so on – using standard microelectronic techniques,” states Michele Muccini, a researcher at the institute.

“The focus of OLET development is the possibility to enable new display/light source technologies, and exploit a transport geometry to suppress the deleterious photon losses and exciton quenching mechanisms inherent in the OLED architecture.”

Roughly translated, that means that OLETs work via a more efficient light emission mechanism than OLEDs, wasting less energy and producing more light.

The efficiency increases result from using the same organic emitting layer as would be found in an OLED, but incorporating it into a different field effect structure – the transistor.

According to Muccini, the devices tested so far are more than 100 times more efficient than the equivalent OLED, over two times more efficient than an optimised OLED with the same emitting layer and ten times more efficient than any other reported OLET.

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