BBC Big Screens bring Olympics to UK towns and cities

BBC Big Screens bring Olympics to UK towns and cities
Daktronics and Philips have supplied technology for the BBC Big Screens project that is set to broadcast live footage from the London 2012 Olympics via large displays in UK towns and cities.

The BBC, a publicly funded British broadcaster, worked with the London 2012 Organising Committee (LOCOG) and local authorities to propose the project as part of the bid to win the 2012 Summer Olympics.

Screens have been placed in 22 locations including London, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh and Belfast.

Currently, the BBC Big Screens are being used to display live images of the progress of the Olympic torch runners, with an on-site BBC media truck sending the images over the mobile phone network back to the television centre in London. From there the pictures are streamed live to the BBC website and are also sent to the Big Screens operations centre in Birmingham. The BBC operates the Big Screen master control from Birmingham, while operations in each town allow local input.

The live content is then fed into the BBC Big Screen network and also provides viewers remote access to the screens over the internet. Supporting information regarding the current position of the Olympic Torch as well as the upcoming schedule and route is then added. The output is then streamed over a private network to all 22 screen sites where it appears several times an hour. When the Olympic Torch relay is in close proximity to one of the BBC Big Screens the feed is displayed on that individual screen all day.

The screens, mostly 100 inch diagonal LEDs have also provided public coverage of a wide variety of events including live coverage of Euro 2012, the Wimbledon Championships and the Royal Jubilee.

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