Double church install for EV

North Coast Church has installed new sounds systems at two California based, purpose-built venues: North Coast Live and The Edge. Pyxis Industries handled design and installation and chose an Electro-Voice system.

Pyxis Industry was given six weeks from the initial customer inquiry to having the PA systems on site and ready to rig.

The company had the two systems designed, priced, and approved within three weeks. The core elements of both systems are “exploded array” clusters drawn from Electro-Voice’s Xi-series, which brings premium, tour-quality sound to the installation market. While the rooms are physically dissimilar — one is rectangular and the other more trapezoidal, and their ceilings are different heights — the clusters are identical except for the angles of the speakers.

“Line arrays would not have been a good choice for these rooms,” Alan DiCato, systems engineer, says. “We didn’t have the ceiling height we would have needed, and in one of the rooms we had an odd shape to cover. The exploded array design allowed us to angle the boxes in each room to get the coverage we needed, and also to use fewer boxes and fewer amps channels to get that coverage, which allowed us to stay within the customer’s budget.”

The clusters combine full-range Xi-1153A/64F three-way, 15-inch, medium-throw loudspeakers and Xi-122MHA/64F ultra-compact, high-output, two-way loudspeakers. “We use the 1153s for longer-throw coverage of the main seating area,” DiCato says, “and the 1122s for front fills and down fills.”

The low end for both systems is augmented by three dual-18 Xsubs in concrete bunkers below the stage, while stage monitoring is handled by four TX1122 FM stage wedges at each venue.

For system control, Pyxis chose an Electro-Voice NetMax N8000-1500 with three added DSP cards.

Pyxis didn’t gain access to the live venue until the Wednesday before the Sunday opening.

The NetMax systems also included optional digital I/O cards that allow Pyxis to bring in 96 kHz/24-bit AES EBU digital audio directly from the digital console without any conversion. “We can even pull the NetMax interface up on a Midas console display,” DiCato adds. “So the EV gear works seamlessly with the other products we use.”

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